Little Aston Sutton Coldfield Slimming World Group.
Thank you to the members of Little Aston Sutton Coldfield’s Slimming World Groups and their SW consultant Julia Nash who donated £400. Their local WI also gave the group the proceeds from a hand made greeting card sale.
Fundraising weekend at the Royal George Pub.
We would like to thank Clare Ashley Cox and her family for a weekend of fundraising at ‘The Royal George’ pub in Salisbury. On 3rd September they had an evening raffle, charity auction of movie and sporting memorabilia, singing and comedy. This was followed the next day by a family fun day and BBQ including pool and darts competitions. A fantastic £853 was raised.
Organisational donations.
We would like to thank the Hanwell and Northfields Rotary for a donation of £320 and the Slaughter and May Charitable Trust for their donation of £1000.
Fundraising morning.
The Gillett family have kindly raised £310 for the group through a fundraising morning.
Charity Ball
On September 24th Liam Stone and Chelsey Bardoe arranged a charity ball at the Birchwood Park Golf Centre in aid of The CHARGE Family Support Group and another charity called Cherished Memories. Liam’s younger brother has CHARGE. There was a three course meal, welcoming drinks and DJ entertainment for 150 guests. The total raised, £2,214.33, included additional money from an auction and raffle. It was an amazing evening. Thank you to everyone who came and supported the event, and to Liam and Chelsey for all their hard work.
Trailplus Adventure Challenge
Myriam Lantrade and her husband lined up 2 teams (made of close relatives and friends) to take part in the Trailplus Adventure Challenge on October 17th 2010. Both teams (of 3) ran 10 kms, biked 20kms and canoed 1km. Most of them hadn’t done anything like it before. Thanks to all of those involved. Their fantastic efforts raised £4480. London Marathon Vicki Groves ran the London marathon and managed to raise over £750 for the group. Her efforts are really appreciated. Buy gifts Online and Support Us Group Secretary, Frances Concannon, makes and sells jewellery and gifts. Visit her Folksy Shop at

Kent and Medway charity challenge event raises £647.94 in a charity absail
This email is to let you know that Peter and I shared two wonderful ruby anniversary celebrations this weekend and there is still another to happen…. The Just Giving target has been exceeded (£825 before GA) and we’ve had a number of cheques (total £535.00). After the JG admin fee has been taken we hope we will have raised £1.5k and enjoyed ourselves so much whilst supporting the CFSG.
Waitrose in Barnet raise over £200 pounds via their monthly community matters collection boxes. See more at