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Improving our understanding of the neurodevelopmental disorders caused by CHARGE syndrome could open the way for new treatments.
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
CHARGE syndrome, which affects approximately one in 10,000 newborns worldwide, is associated with ne…
Tyrese Dibba stars in animated class
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
A teenager who helped thousands of people learn British Sign Language (BSL) during the first Covid-1…
A Walk for Charge
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Taidgh Hughes with family and friends will be making an epic walk along the Jurassic coast in memory…

Lining up to walk the 50k Thames path challenge.
How about :
• Running 10km
• Bathing in jelly
• Jumping out of a plane
• Holding a coffee morning
• Playing some charity bingo
• Donating money instead of buying Christmas cards.
We are more than happy to help you with your endeavours. Get in touch if you need sponsorship forms, help with paying the entry fee to a race or a few friendly faces when you cross the finish line. If flinging yourself out of a plane isn’t your idea of fun please go to our Donate Now Page.
So the next time you think someone is going to give you socks for Christmas, your employer is nominating a charity or your local Rotary wants a good cause to support please think of us.
Please contact Martin Stevens with any queries relating to fundraising ( / 07957542938)